2. Prevention of Sexual Harassment
With an awareness being created by the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, Shivshakti Arts and Commerce College, Babhulgaon had formed its own support committee to address any such offence or grievances with strict punitive actions which will be at par with those issued in the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition And Redressal) Act, 2013 published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, PART II-Section 1 under the Legislative Department of Ministry of Law and Justice.
Our College believes in gender equality and justice in all its interventions and practices. Keeping these principles in mind, it is important to ensure an organizational climate that is free from discrimination with particular focus on sexual harassment. With this purpose, the Anti-Sexual Harassment Committee has been formed in the college.
Committee Co-ordinator
Prof. Dr. M. M. Jhungare
Prevention of Sexual Harassment Committee
1. Prof. Dr. D. D. Koturwar | Principal |
2. Prof. Dr. M. M. Junghare | Coordinator |
3. Prof. Dr. P. S. Kalmegh | Member |
4. Prof. Dr. K. P. Korde | Member |
5. Shri. S. P. Madane | Member |
6. Adv. Archana Shende | Member |
7. Ku. Nikita Korde | Member |
- Prohibition of any hierarchical oppression exercised based on gender inequality that prohibits intellectual or academic growth.
- Prevention of gender biased attitude when it comes to adjudication of efficacy of work allocated within working hours
- Protection of the fundamental rights of a woman.
Roles & Responsibilities:
- To help women to realize their rights of freedom.
- To treat sexual harassment as a misconduct and initiate punitive actions for such misconduct.
- To assist the aggrieved woman to place the complaint.
- To safeguard the one who is victimized.
- To educate and train students about Sexual Harassment.
Forms of Sexual Harassment:
- any unwelcome sexual advances, requests or demand for sexual favors, either explicitly or implicitly, in return for employment, promotion, examination or evaluation of a person towards any company activity;
- any unwelcome sexual advances involving verbal, non-verbal, or physical conduct such as sexually colored remarks, jokes, letters, phone calls, e-mail, sms, gestures, showing pornography, lurid stares, physical contact or molestation, stalking, sounds, display of pictures, signs, verbal or non-verbal communication which offends the individual’s sensibilities and affects her/his performance.
- entry into specific areas earmarked for female employees and students, with the intent to commit mischief and harassment.
- eve teasing, innuendos and taunts, physical confinement against one’s will and intrusion into one’s privacy
- act or conduct by a person in authority which creates a hostile environment at the workplace or intimidates the person belonging to the other sex.
Sexual harassment cases can be classified into two categories: –
- Quid pro quo (meaning this for that)
- Creation of a hostile working environment
Under the quid pro quo form of harassment, a person or authority, usually the superior of the victim, demands sexual favors for getting or keeping a job benefit and threatens to fire the employee if the conditions are not met.
A hostile work environment arises when a co-worker or supervisor creates a work environment through verbal or physical conduct that interferes with a co-worker’s job performance or creates a workplace atmosphere which is intimidating, hostile, offensive or humiliating and an attack on personal dignity. Sexual harassment and abuse damage both, individual and Organizational Health.
If you are being harassed:
- Confront and make the harasser realize that you are vocal and can sue him.
- Say emphatically NO.
- Do not delay to place the complaint.
Process of Complaint:
Any aggrieved woman would lodge the complaint in written and would submit it to the Committee formed in the institution. The Internal Committee may before initiating the process of inquiry take steps to resolve the matter between the aggrieved woman and the respondent through conciliation.
- Severe punishment leading to imprisonment
- Heavy Fine
- Cancellation of admission
- Exemption from examination
- Suspension