Library and Knowledge Resource Centre: At a Glance

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Library also plays a vital role in acquisition, organization and dissemination of knowledge. College library system supports the teaching-learning program of our Institute. College library has an exceptional collection of over 8,942 volumes of text books, reference books, general science books, journals and magazines, CD/DVDs, on-line resources and other reading material. Library subscribed membership of N-list every year Since 2011. Books are classified according to the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme. It has excellent infrastructure to meet its requirements, Library operations are partially computerized using SOUL 2.0 Library management software and provides access to the collection through OPAC. College library follows open access system that allows users a direct access to the library collection. E-access is also available through N-LIST. UGC helped library to increase the quantity and quality of Resource collection.
The Library rendered Various User Friendly Services like Lending Service, Reading Room Service, Reference Service, Bibliographical service, News Paper Clipping Service, E-section service, OPAC Facility Service, Remote access to SGBAU University Library Service, Photocopying Service, etc. The Library Started Best Practices to provide effective Library services like Question Paper of Previous University Examinations, For selection of Books Every year Library organize Book Exhibition, New Arrivals are displayed and List of new arrivals are send to e-mail of the Staff.
The library is determined to achieve the goals of the college and higher education. The library has made considerable progress in library automation. The library automation will be followed by digital library which is our vision and not a dream. Library just Started a digital Library with the help of Calibre Software which contained the text, reference and rare e-books which is down lodge from internet from various websites and scanned documents.
Library is on First Floor, above the Office building of the college. The built up area of the library is 1,500 Sq. Fit.. The Reading Room facility is available for the students and faculty members for 8.00 am to 6.00 pm. Library consists of Circulation Section, Stack Section, Reading Room, Librarian’s Office and Processing Section, Journal Section, Reference Section & Digital Library section. In order to provide optimal service to readers, the library remains open on 6 days a week in office timing.
Library Implemented various activities to promote the reading Culture Book Exhibition, Workshop on Use of (INFLIBNET N-LIST) E-Resources and Use of OPAC, User Education and Orientation, Create and Use of E-mail I. D., Lect. on ”Why Reading ?” on the occasion of birth anuarsory of Dr. S. R. Ranganathan, Best User Award for Students in the form of Certificate and Competitive Examination Books, Wachan Prerna Diwas on the occasion of birth anuarsory of Bharat Ratna, Missile man, Late Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, Workshop on ”Introduction to Reference Book”, Group Reading, Essay Competition on ”Reading is a Daily Need”, Lect. on ”Wachan Sanskar Badalte Aayam”, Book Donation, Workshop on ”Improving Reading Skill”, Regular Counselling about better Reading, Author-Reader Meet, Book -Gifting on the occasion of Birth Day, Making Library Open for Society, Started College Library Abhyasika by making MoU with University Library of Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University and so on.
Library Advisory Committee:
Sr. No. | Name of theMember | Department | Designation |
01. | Dr. Deepak Koturwar | Principal | Ex-Officio Chairman |
02. | Dr. Kishor Shende | Representative, Faculty of Commerce | Member |
03. | Dr. Pratibha Kalmegh | Representative, Faculty of Arts | Member |
04. | Dr. Subodh Bansod | Representative, Faculty of Science | Member |
05. | Prof. Gajanan Mane | Head, IQAC | Member |
06. | Shri. Vilas Yende | Office Superintendent | Member |
07. | Dr. Sanjay Shenmare | Librarian | Ex-Officio Secretary |
News Paper Clippings
Library at Glance
Total No. of Books | 8275 |
Total No. of Journals & Periodicals | 15 |
Bound Volumes | 100 |
CD’s and DVD’s | 76 |
Project Report | 39 |
E – Books | 1,65,000 |
E – Journals | 6,237 |
Member INFLIBNET N-LIST Project for E-Journals & E-Books |
Library Timings
10:30 A.M. To 5:30 P.M.
Learning Resources of Department
- No. of Computer:- 10 with Internet Connection to use E-Resources
- E-Books :- 1,65,000
- E-Journals :- 6,237
Sections of Library
- Circulation Section
- Periodical Section
- Reading Room
- E-Section
Library Committee
- Chairman – Principal
- Secretary _ Librarian
- Member – HOD’s of the three faculty and IQAC Chairman
Faculties in the Department
Name of the Faculty Member | : Dr. Sanjay Shenmare |
Designation | : Librarian |
Qualification | : MLISc., M. Phil., Ph.D. |
Experience | : 22 Yrs |
Cell No. | : 91- 94 2363 4544 |
Email ID | : |
Membership on Professional bodies | :ILA/IASLIC/NUTA/NUCLA/MUCLA |
Details of Human Resources
Sr. No. | Name of the Staff | Designation | Qualification |
01. | Shri. Gajanan Pachkawade | Library Attendenant | H. S. C., MSCIT |
Programmes Organized :
Sr. No. | Name of Activity | Name of Speaker | Beneficiaries |
01. | Inauguration of Abhyasika MoU with University Library | Dr. Vaishali GudadheHOD, DLIS SGBAU, Amt | Students &Staff Members |
02. | Book Exhibition | Principal, Dr. Deepak Koturwar | Students &Staff Members |
03. | Workshop on Use of E-Resources(INFLIBNET N-LIST) | Librarian, Dr. Sanjay Shenmare | Students &Staff Members |
04. | User Education and Orientation | Librarian, Dr. Sanjay Shenmare | Students &Staff Members |
05. | Create and Use of E-mail I. D. | Librarian, Dr. Sanjay Shenmare | Students &Staff Members |
06. | Lect. on ”Why Reading ?” on the occasion of birth anuarsory of Dr. S. R. Ranganathan | Prof. Dr. Meena JunghareHOD, Dept. of Marathi | Students &Staff Members |
07. | Use of University website, its Library and e-resources with remote access | Librarian, Dr. Sanjay Shenmare | Students &Staff Members |
08. | Best User Awardfor Studentsin the form of Certificate and Competitive Examination Books | Dr. Ramesh MahanurPravin TatedNarendra BobadeMember, College Development Committee | Students &Staff Members |
09. | Wachan Prerna Diwason the occasion of birth anuarsory of Bharat Ratna, Missile man, Late Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam | Dr. Pratibha KalmeghDr. Yuvraj MankarDr. Vikas ToneDr. Chandrakant SardarProf. Waman WirkhedeProf. Gajanan ManeProf. Nilesh Sulbhewar | Students &Staff Members |
10. | Introduction to Reference Book | Librarian, Dr. Sanjay Shenmare | Students &Staff Members |
11. | Group Reading | Prof. Dr. Pratibha Kalmegh | Students &Staff Members |
12 | Essay Competition on ”Reading is a Daily Need” | Prof. Dr. Yuvaraj Mankar | Students &Staff Members |
13. | Lect. on ”Wachan Sanskar Badalte Aayam” | Prof. Dr. Chandrashekhar Thakare | Students &Staff Members |
14. | Katha-Kathan (Story Telling) | Prof. Nilesh Sulbhewar | Students &Staff Members |
15. | Book Donation | Prof. Chandrakant Sardar | Students &Staff Members |
16. | Workshop on ”Improving Reading Skill” | Librarian, Dr. Sanjay Shenmare | Students &Staff Members |
17. | Counselling about better Reading | Librarian, Dr. Sanjay Shenmare | Students &Staff Members |
18. | Author-Reader Meet | Prin. Dr. Deepak Koturwar | Students &Staff Members |
19. | Book -Gifting on the occasion of Birth Day | Librarian, Dr. Sanjay Shenmare | Students &Staff Members |
20. | Library: Open for All | Librarian, Dr. Sanjay Shenmare | Students &Staff Members |
21. | Use of OPAC | Librarian, Dr. Sanjay Shenmare | Students &Staff Members |
Programmes Organised as an Organising Committee Member
- Workshop on ‘How to Use e-resources’ (N-LIST)
- Workshop on OPAC
- Workshop on ‘Improving Reading Skill’
- Workshop on ‘Introduction to Reference Book’
Renowned Personalities Visited to Learning Resource Centre
- Pawan Mandavkar, Principal Indira College, Kalamb
- Sharma, Principal Amolakshand College, Yavatmal
- Nilesh Gawande. Sakharkharda
- Gajanan Jadhav, Deulgaon Raja
- Deepak Dhote, Dean Faculty of Science SGB Amravati University, Amravati
- Vivek Deshmukh, Dean Faculty of Science SGB Amravati University, Amravati.
- R.G. Chaware, Ex-Principal Date College, Yavatmal
- Kamble, Principal Indira Gandhi College, Ralegaon
- Rajeev Sadan, Principal Nehru College, Ner
- Uday Navlekar, Principal Parvekar College Yavatmal
- Ajay Kamble Librarian Arts, Commerce and Science College, Mumbai
- Mohan Kherde, University Librarian, SGBAU, Amravati
- Vaishali Gudadhe, HOD, DLISc, SGBAU, Amravati
- Sanjay Shedmake, P.V.D.T. College of Education, SNDT University, Mumbai
- Sanjay Gharote, Principal Shree Gajanan Maharaj Arts College, Mukutban
- V. N. Jayale, Principal H. N. Sinha College Patur
- Madhukar Gayakwad, Pro-vice Chancellor, Swami Ramanand Tirth Marathwada University, Nanded.
- Jayant Chatur, Principal Nankibai Wadhwani Arts College, Yavatmal.
Best Practices of Learning Resource Centre
- New Arrivals are Displayed and send to email of all.
- Book Exhibition
- Departmental Library like…Remedial Section …Counselling Section etc.
- Collection of University Question Papers from last 05 Years & Provide it to Students on Demands on node in e section and on LCD Projector.
- News Papers Clipping Files are prepared for preparation for other activities like elocution Competition, debate, essay competition etc.
- INFLIBNET N-LIST Consortia for e-books and e-journals
- Library is Computerized with SOUL 2.0 Software
- Extended Hours of Library for reading Room (MoU with University Library SGBAU, Amravati) 8.00 am to 6.00 pm.
- Books issued on 1000=00/- Deposit after annual Clearance
- Inter Library Loan Service for Staff and Students
- Open Access to all Students and Staff.